avatar of lyokolux

Index of lyokolux.space

Welcome on my website!


  • Blog - my personnal blog
  • Shaarli - the bookmarking service
  • [DEACTIVATED] DokuWiki - a simple open-source wiki
  • [DEACTIVATED] Lufi - Let's Upload that File
  • [DEACTIVATED] Lstu - Let's Shorten That Url


Todo on the domain

Everything I plan to add on this domain
  • Add a blogroll from the shaarli.lyokolux.space category blog items. An example of a blogroll can be https://rknight.me/blog/roll
  • Add my collections (such as https://rknight.me/collections)
  • Create a custom 404 page
  • Create an /about page
  • Add web badges (and generate ones). See web.badges.world
  • Add a page about pets
  • Add a sitemap (and not only for the blog)
  • Add a /uses page (such as https://rknight.me/uses)
  • Add web shrines (Shrines on Wikipedia)
  • Add a /now page
  • Add a podroll
  • Add a changelog
  • Define a design guide for the website (that goes in pair with a redesign). I built this page when I knew nearly nothing of the web. The design for the homepage can be based on the edex-ui (from the movie Tron Legacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGeY1rK19zA) or Code Lyoko
